I'm sorry for my absence but December has proven to be a full month; and when I'm not cleaning, cooking, playing with kids, at an appointment, or any other the other things I have to do...I'm resting/sleeping/sipping coffee/catching up on tv shows/just plain exhausted.
Sweetie had eye surgery on the 4th and it went better than expected. Not only did they have to do less than they thought they might but her eye responded better than they originally thought! Big Praises there!!!
A-man and Sweetie turned 4 years old on the 10th and it was a great day to celebrate their life so far and look forward to the year they will have before they turn 5! Some of which will include going off to Preschool!
P-man will turn 6 on Christmas Eve and we look forward to his class holiday party this coming week along with the last day of school before Christmas Break!! He has been doing really well with school, he leaves happy and returns happy almost every day!!
A-man has been having some hearing problems, which I plan to address at his well child check this coming week! Hoping its just a lot of wax build-up and not something that requires surgery.
Hubby will have Christmas Eve off (for the first time in probably forever) AND the day after Christmas off! We are looking forward to three days of Christmas as a family!!
I hope to post a few more times before the end of the year but I'm going to be working hard on my "blog plan" for next year as well. I've kind of been lost as to what to post so keep up with me as I figure out where this blog is headed!
Many blessings and I hope you get to enjoy the holiday with family, friends, and so much more!
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