Remember, we attend a year around we get TWO WEEKS!!
I think this is awesome...and daunting.
Finding enough things to do around this "small town" is a task when you have 3 young kids. Luckily, they are only 2 years between P-man and the Twinners; so whatever we do will most likely engage them all and not just one or two.
So what do you do with three kids ages 6 and 4?
Our local roller rink (which is a 20 minute drive) is having free skate for 8yo and younger everyday next week from 10:30am to 1pm. Looking forward to doing this as my kids have never been skating!
The public museum is downtown and has both Dinosaurs and a Lego exhibit! Can't wait to go!
The bowling alley in the next town South of us is closing in May. Hopefully we will make it to this place before it closes. I grew up bowling in this alley and want my kids to experience it once before its gone.
We have 3 Zoo's within driving range. THREE! I think that's pretty awesome! We have been to all 3 and like all 3 for different reasons. I'm hoping the weather cooperates so that we can visit at least one over break!
We can always use new, fun books. But Libraries always have fun things over Spring Break! Our local Library is having a drop in craft time, story time, and other fun activities for kids and teens over the week of Spring Break!
Local theaters are showing Frozen for free for kids 12 and under and just $4 for adults for most the week! I don't think we'll go to this one because my kids have seen this movie enough over the past 2 weeks but it's a great deal!
What other things have you explored on your home spring break week? We have two weeks to fill so bring on the ideas!
Great ideas! When the weather is nice, we love going to the park and then getting frozen yogurt afterward!