Day 16 -
I love all things food! Food is so good! I wish I knew how to make more and was able to explore the ins-and-outs of cooking more. Food is something to bond over, and I think that's my favorite part of food. I love that family gatherings start when meal planning starts. I love that they end with splitting what's left and making sure everyone goes home satisfied with left-overs!
My favorites are:
Main Dish: tacos (a family fav), pizza, BBQ pulled chicken or pork
Sides: mashed potatoes with ketchup (don't judge), corn, broccoli-cauliflower salad
Dessert: Strawberry Shortcake, Ice Cream, Apple Crisp
Junk Food: Cheez-its (Cheddar Jack), Oreo's, Skittles
Other: Salads, Blueberries, Baked Goods (muffins and cookies are a fav.)
Day 17 -
My Father and Father-in-Law!
Each have done so much for our families. They provide support, love, knowledge, lead by example, and so much more.
My dad taught me to play sports, love classic cartoons, and was an example of what a husband and father should be to his family. He was involved in my schooling by being on the school board and making sure that the best education was available to me. My dad continues to love his family and support them through his great wisdom and his lasting patience (which can only come with raising four stubborn girls!). I love you, Dad! Thanks for always being there.
Hubby's dad is full of knowledge in so many areas. He's not afraid to try anything once when it comes to fixing things. He's always willing to learn and teach. He has always worked hard for his family and continues to support them with his wisdom.
Day 18-
Although I love storms and the strange relaxation they bring to me I'm not a fan of the weather we had this past Sunday. We had threat of severe weather that included tornado warnings north and south of us. We never did see this severe weather but we did experience a good thunderstorm along with some frightening wind. There were a few things we had under our play deck that blew out all over our yard. Our friends and their neighbor both had damage to their roofs. There were trees down in the area and many were without power for a few days.
I still am thankful for storms though. They bring me a giddy feeling, an exciting anxiousness's inexplicable. I just love them!
Day 19-
Coffee Break!
Love the ladies in Coffee break! Love the leaders! Love the fellowship! Love the Bible Study!
I'm so thankful for all these things. God created women to be relational and Coffee Break is a great way that I get to fulfill part of who God has called me to be!
This year we are doing two studies. This study we are in right now is amazing! Not only do I love reading books/studies by Priscilla Shirer but I love the encouragement and the realness she brings to it all! If you get a chance to pick up a study by her I would encourage you to DO IT! The one we are studying right now is called One In A Million.
Day 20-
Volunteering (in P-man's School)
I like volunteering but in the past few years (since having little ones) it has been hard. Luckily, P-man has entered a school that loves to have parents volunteer in the classroom. Especially in Kindergarten. There is a parent volunteer in the class for 2 hours - 3 days a week. I have done it three times (there are lots of parents that volunteer and we are on a monthly rotating schedule). Not only do I get to know the kids he is with all day long but I also get to see how he interacts in school. Sometimes he forgets I'm there and I get that "fly on the wall" experience.
I'm thankful that I get to experience all this right now. I'm thankful I get to show P-man about helping others, volunteering, and showing him, most importantly, that I am involved in his education and for his education!
Day 21-
Time with Twinners
Since the twinners have been around P-man has always been there too. Since P-man has started school though I get special time to just spend with the twinners. For just over 7 hours I get the twinners all to myself. I get to take them shopping, on play dates, read books, watch them play, spend time with them that P-man got to experience when the twinners would take naps!
I'm so thankful for this time to help them grow into young kids that love God and are caring and joyful and just plain awesome kids!
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