It's the weekend and normally I don't do posts but throughout November I will be doing this Thankful Thursdays EVERYDAY! Therefore, posts on the weekend! Rest assured though...they are scheduled so I didn't actually "work" on the weekend!
Today, I'm thankful for girl-time with my family! I'm off to a craft sale with my mom and sisters today and I can't wait. We do this every year. Last year was sort of disappointing with less vendors, less space to eat lunch, and the cost of lunch was higher. Let's hope this year is better!
No matter what though, we have a great time just looking at all the cool crafts and having some awesome time away from husbands and kids (Who always on this day put up the snow fence for the main driveway). I do take Sweetie, though, because she is part of the girl-time family-time now that she is older! It's so special to have a tradition with just us girls to look forward to each year!
What traditions are you thankful for? Does your family have "girl-time family-time"?
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