There have been many people (mainly family) that have visited my house while it has been in complete disarray. See, I'm not the best house keeper and I don't have a lot of patience for the time it takes to clean the house.
This just in :: This post is brought to you by my lack of motivation to clean the house today!
Yes...I'm procrastinating right now by writing a blog post. I neglected posting yesterday so I thought it was important to get a post up today! (Yesterday, though, I was wrapped up in a book, which I finished, and then started another book! :))
In truth, the dream was a fear I didn't even know I had. I always said I didn't care if people came to my house and it was messy. I have 3 kids and it's exhausting to keep up on the laundry, dishes, toy picking up, and everything else that needs to be done. I would much rather play with my kids, read a book, or write a blog post!
I do have a desire to organize the house though so that it can be more efficient and easier to keep clean. I have to work on that a little harder. I want to keep a cleanER house, but I don't need it to be spotless or perfect. I need to focus on my realistic expectations instead of what I think the world that might come into my house would expect.
So you got a pretty personal glimpse into my life just now. Something I pretend not to struggle with but I really do!
Sorry there are not pictures but, really, you don't want to see my house right now.
If you struggle with keeping your house clean and neat I would suggest you look at what your expectations are, what your hubby expects, what God is speaking to you; NOT what your friends are doing, your mother-in-law comments about, or even what the magazines or experts suggest.
What works for others might not work for you, find what works for you!
And remember :: Colossians 3:23,24 (something I really need to work on while I'm cleaning my home!)
23 Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, 24 since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving. (NIV)

Our house is always in a semi-state of cleanliness (that's the optimistic way to say messy). We do cleaning regularly, but there seems to be 20 pairs of shoes and things not put away where they should be. The boys being home all day now have just made it worse.
ReplyDeleteSo much for supermom ;)
I try to encourage my boys to live COL 3:23 with their school work:) - I love being organized - but I, too, am not consistent. I can get everything great for 48 hours, then it starts deteriorating:) So glad God love me messy!
ReplyDeleteSarah, I have talked to people at the door of my house, unwilling to let them in because of the mess (and that was before we had children!). Shortly after that season, I came across the book "Open Heart, Open Home" by Karen Mains - and it convicted me deeply about welcoming people in my home regardless of how it looked. I'm slowly (slowly...) making progress toward keeping the house a little cleaner, and in not profusely apologizing when people stop by and it looks like a disaster. I too have three children and I realize that spending time with them needs to come first :) Thanks for sharing your heart here. Know that you aren't alone!
ReplyDeleteColossians 3:23 is our school-year verse!
Check out Sarah Mae's 31 Days to Clean. I worked through it this summer, and I loved it! Popping over from Simply Helping Him, have a great weekend!
ReplyDeleteWow, Sarah, we sound like kindred spirits. I enjoy having a clean house, but I'd much rather read a book, then another, then another, or maybe 4 at a time.