
Tuesday, August 6, 2013

And We're Off!

P-man officially starts school today. He will only be going from 11 am to 12:30 pm and I will be with him most that time but it'll be a good introduction to the kids, the playground, and fun activities that will take place.

Last night we had the ice cream social for the whole school. P-man did much better than I thought. He was excited to be there, even if he didn't talk to his teacher. That'll come though. The purpose of the social was to meet the teacher, see the classroom, and get acquainted with the school.

I'm feeling more relaxed after seeing him get excited about the things in his classroom. He even got excited when he saw his name up around the room (birthday calendar, folder area, etc.). It got me excited, too!

Wednesday will be his first full day and he will be riding the bus both ways, which means an hour bus ride after a long day {we'll see how that goes!}.

During the time that P-man will be off to school I hope to establish some good habits with A-man and Sweetie. They've never had a full day with just me for many days in a row. I'm curious as to how they will respond to P-man not being around as often.

In the next few weeks I will be planning out the faith curriculum that we will use. For now, I plan to just make my own and supplement with reminding them of the stories they hear during Sunday School and Story Hour. I also want to do a memory verse each week.

Any ideas about how to plan out and implement a faith curriculum in the home?

1 comment:

  1. You may want to look at Easy Peasy All in One Homeschool. I'm pretty sure she included Bible studies in her Pre-K curriculum.
