Today I am celebrating hubby being alive for 32 years!
If you've never met my husband you're kind of missing out! See, he's amazing!
Not only is he firm in his faith and loves our family unconditionally, but he's pretty HOT too!
He works hard and plays hard! He loves and is loved! He's full of surprises and loves to surprise me (even if it is just getting gas in my vehicle because he knows I hate being so close to empty!)
He makes me laugh! I've only seen him cry less than a handful of times! One was because he was laughing so hard he started crying (that was this past Sunday)!
I LOVE this man with all my heart and am so happy that we are together forever! He is a superb Husband and an excellent Father.
Thanks, babe, for all you do, all you are, and all God will form you to be
! So glad we are on this journey together!
Here is Hubby letting P-man drive the new tractor!

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