Thankful Day 11 :: Date Nights
As I mentioned in my previous post Hubby and I attended his Store End of the Year Celebration on Sunday evening. It was fun and I met a lot of new people. It was great to get out together and enjoy just some adult time. Even though Hubby wasn't feeling well and it was technically work for him, we still had a fun time being out of the house together. We had to drive about 30 minutes (this is his commute everyday) so we had time before and after the party just to talk and enjoy each others company.
Going to his work party gives me a chance to see how interactions happen for him everyday. I get to see how his employees and other managers relate to him. This is a rare occasion for me since I don't visit him at work ever! In my opinion he is well liked and well respected at his workplace! I love to know that about Hubby.
Date Nights don't happen often for us because of Hubby's work schedule but they do happen and when they do I am so Thankful for that time.
Snap shot of Hubby and I from a wedding a year ago!
Thankful Day 12 :: My Mom and Mother-in-Law
Sunday Night, after we got home from the store celebration there was an alarm call for the store so Hubby, even though he didn't feel well, went off to the store to check it out. I was mad, sad, and worried for him. It was 11:30 pm and we had fallen asleep only 45 minutes before. I was worried for his safety, I was mad because there wasn't someone else to take that call, and I was sad because...well, I don't know why.
I called my Mother-in-Law (because right now she's in Colorado and they are two hours behind me!). I cried on the phone, screamed my anger, and cried some more. She listened, she calmed me, and we talked for 30 minutes. I am so thankful she is there for me!
Yesterday was crazy. I was frustrated over a couple different things, mainly the house being a mess. My Mom was able to offer advice, comfort, and love in the way only a Mom can. She has always been there for me and we talk daily. We see each other often and this week she is watching my kids 3 times!! (THANKS MOM {and Dad}!) I have a great relationship with my mom and I love that! I love that I can talk and share with her. I love that we live close and talk often. My mom is very special to me and I can't be thankful enough for all she does for me! Love you Mom!

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