My sisters were my first friends. I am so lucky to have them all living near me, still! We see each other quite regularly and enjoy each others company. We laugh together, we cry together, we cry because we are laughing so hard together!
We are unique! Check this out!
Sister 1: Born November 5. Blonde Hair, Blue Eyes.
Sister 2: Born June 29. Brown Hair, Brown Eyes.
Sister 3: (ME!) Born November 7. Red Hair, Blue Eyes.
Sister 4: Born June 5. Brown Hair, Brown Eyes.
Sisters 1 and 3 are born in the same month 10 years apart. Have different color hair than anyone else in the family and the same color eyes as our father.
Sisters 2 and 4 are born in the same month 10 years apart. Have the same color hair as our parents and the same color eyes as our mother.
We have only grown closer as we have grown older! I love you Sisters! Thanks for being there and loving me back!
There is also an "adopted" 5th sister! She is from another father and mother but we love her, love her, love her! We came to know her through Sister 2 and Sister 4 and my mom and she came to live with Hubby and I five and a half years ago as an undergrad. Her family lives in another country but she has since adopted us and we have adopted her!
We are amazing! And I am so thankful for such amazing sisters!
Happy Birthday, Sister 1!! Love you bunches and hope your day is fantastic!

Great post!! Love you bunches too!! :)