There are not many Saturday's that are lazy for me. With Hubby working retail, him being gone on Saturday's leaves me with the kids, therefore, I work too!
Today, though, I'm so thankful for Lazy Saturdays! Hubby did work today but the kids...they played really well together. I only had to raise my voice so they could hear me above their squeals and giggles and play noise! (oh, and to clean up the basement before dinner).
I was able to get a couple things done, rest (I needed that today, since this cold has taken up residence and just won't leave), cook dinner almost uninterrupted, and enjoy watching Monk and another disappointing Michigan game :(.
It was most likely my best Saturday with the kids while Hubby was working. I enjoyed every minute of it...even the uneventful trip to the library and grocery store! A first for sure!
Side Note: Check out my new "banner" for Thankful {Everyday in November}!

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